On Thursday 30th July we have our first Policy Forum, where we invite members and supporters to come and talk about local and national policies.
The forum's discussion topic is "How should Sutton Borough's town centres look in ten years' time?". It will be held at Donnington House, kicking off promptly @ 7pm but arrivals are welcome to turn up from 6:30pm. It will be followed by a pub social at the Cock & Bull Pub.
The event is totally informal - attendees can bring friends and family, there's no dress code and no one is to hold back on their strongly-held views! The only request from the organisers is that discussants pay mutual respect to each other and allow everyone's thoughts to be heard.
I hope you can all come along and share your views with each other and the local party, as it helps us shape our manifesto pledges in the upcoming Local Elections 2018.
Please confirm if you are able to attend by booking a free ticket here: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/how-should-suttons-town-centres-look-in-ten-years-time-tickets-17847701957?