Andrew Bowie was elected as the Member of Parliament for West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine in 2017 on what turned out to be a very good night for the Conservative Party in Scotland - and key to us remaining in Government. Two year's later, he was one of only a handful of Conservative MPs to retain his seat, and we are very pleased that he did!
Before entering Parliament Andrew served as a member of the Royal Navy, later playing a part in ensuring a win for the 'BetterTogether' campaign during the Scottish Referendum of 2014.
In Parliament he has served as Private Parliamentary Secretary (PPS) to former Culture Secretaries Matt Hancock and Jeremy Wright, before becoming PPS to Prime Minister Theresa May. He is now our Party's Vice-Chair for Youth.
It's therefore fair to say that Andrew has plenty to tell us, and we're sure plenty of you will have questions for him, particularly around his time working so closely with the former Prime Minister and Downing Street. So please do join us on the 22nd February and support our YCs in this brilliant virtual event!
The event is just £5 to join, please email [email protected] to book your place and receive the link. Payment details are:
Sutton Borough Conservative Federation
HSBC Sutton High Street
Sort code 40-43-26
Account number 12067501
Or Otherwise book via Event Brite:
An Evening with Andrew Bowie MP
Monday, 22nd February 2021