St Helier Hospital is safe - now we need your help to build a new hospital in Sutton.
Making sure St Helier Hospital stays open has always been my top priroty as your MP. So I am delighted that our local NHS Trust has guranteed St Helier's future. It is now seeking opinions from Sutton residents about how to improve overall healthcare.
The Epsom and St Helier NHS Trust wants to invest up to £400million to build a new purpose-built acute facility, but need to hear from you.
The Trust has confirmed what the Health Secretary said when visiting St Helier before the election: St Helier is here to stay.
But while staff there provide great care, many of the buildings are no longer fit for purpose. The Trust is already investing £12m in imporving facilities. However, is has also identified the need for a new specialist acute facility on one of three possible sites:
Epsom Hospital,
St Helier Hospital,
Co-located with the Royal Marsden at Belmont.
85% of people visiting Epsom and St Helier will still receive treatment on the same site as now. 100% of existing services, invluding A&E and Maternity services, will continue to be provided locally.
For the first time in years we have a proposal from the NHS which doesn't risk local residents having to travel to St George's in Tooting for A&E and Maternity servcies, instead protecting them within the area already covered by the Trust.
This is the first stage of the process with the choice of site coming later, but for now we need your views.
Watch this short video to find out more about the Trust's plans, or log onto their website to find out more.
You can also take my short survey, including the questions the NHS wants to ask you, here.
Sign up to attend the public meeting here.