Lib Dem Hospital Betrayal in Sutton Wednesday, 31 July, 2024 It has only been a few weeks since the General Election, and Sutton’s two new Lib Dem MPs have wasted no time jumping into bed with the Labour Government’s plans to abandon the new hospital being built in our borough and vital refurbishments to St. Helier Hospital. Ever since the new hospital programme was announced in 2019, Lib Dem-run Sutton Council has on every occasion refused to support local... Local News
Regulator Takes Action To Tackle Large Deficit At St George's 30th July 2015 The healthcare regulator, Monitor, is taking action to fix financial and governance problems at St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Local News
Boris Approves Sutton Housing Zone Status 29th July 2015 The Mayor of London has approved Sutton Council’s bid to be one of London’s 20 new Housing Zones. Local News
Responsible Dog Ownership Event In Sutton 29th July 2015 Free dog chipping, agility tests and advice about dog welfare will be available at a dog initiative at St Helier open space opposite St Helier Hospital, on 25th... Local News
Crowd Funding Appeal To Resurrect Rosehill Traders Market 28th July 2015 Sutton residents are being invited to contribute to a crowd-funding project to raise just over £25,000 to re-establish the once-popular traders’ market in... Local News
Worcester Park Post Office To Move 28th July 2015 The Post Office in Worcester Park is going to be moved to the Londis at 178 Central Road. Local News
Syed Kamall MEP Comes To Sutton 28th July 2015 Syed Kamall MEP, leader of the Conservatives in the European Parliament, leader of the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) and Conservative London... Local News
What Are Your Views On Cycling In Sutton? 27th July 2015 Sutton Council are collecting residents' views about their draft cycling delivery strategy. Local News
Whitehall In Cheam Secures £1.5m Heritage Lottery Fund Grant To Renovate 24th July 2015 Whitehall has been granted £1.5m from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) to renovate and uphold its privileged status. Local News
Nonsuch And Wallington Girls Schools To Merge 23rd July 2015 Nonsuch High School for Girls and Wallington High School for Girls are set to merge to form a 'multi academy trust' ahead of the new school year. Local News
First Vaccinations in the UK Against Coronavirus Begin 8th December 2020 Today the first vaccinations in the UK against coronavirus begin. Thank you to our NHS, to all of the scientists who worked so hard to develop this vaccine. National News
The Prime Minister's Statement on New Coronavirus Regulations 1st December 2020 The Prime Minister today urged MPs in the House of Commons to pass new COVID regulations, to keep transmission down and beat the virus. National News
Amanda Milling: We’ve outdone Labour in getting females to the top 1st December 2020 Hundreds of women have put themselves forward to be potential Conservative candidates in the past two weeks. National News
Our 2020 Spending Review Delivers on the Priorities of the British People 25th November 2020 We are providing £280 billion to get our country through coronavirus. Rishi Sunak’s 2020 Spending Review sets out how. National News
Our 2020 Spending Review Delivers on the Priorities of the British People 25th November 2020 We are providing £280 billion to get our country through coronavirus. Rishi Sunak’s 2020 Spending Review sets out how. National News
The Spending Review 2020 in Full 25th November 2020 Read and watch the Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s 2020 Spending Review in full. National News